Food & Wellness

LÉA Daoura (R.H.N) Registered Holistic Health Practitoner

Holistic Food targets the body's imbalances, which can arise and manifest themselves in many ways, such as certain food intolerances, chronic fatigue (mental or physical), inflammation, skin rashes, weight gain or hormonal imbalances.

My specialties includeweight wellness, mindful eating, gut health and inflammation, Digestion issues, liver health, hypotoxic food, PCOS & anti-inflammatory foods by also learning about the equilibrium within our body, mind & soul affecting our overall wellbeing.

My role is to also educate you about proper food combinations to optimize better digestion, food assimilation which contributes to weight and energy levels. Simple, healthy recipes are also included to inspire better quality of meals.

LÉA Daoura (R.H.N)Holistic Health Practitoner

Holistic Food targets the body's imbalances, which can arise and manifest themselves in many ways, such as certain food intolerances, chronic fatigue (mental or physical), inflammation, skin rashes, weight gain or hormonal imbalances.

My specialties include weight wellness, mindful eating, gut health and inflammation, Digestion issues, liver health, hypotoxic food, PCOS & anti-inflammatory foods by also learning about the equilibrium within our body, mind & soul affecting our overall wellbeing.

My role is to also educate you about proper food combinations to optimize better digestion, food assimilation which contributes to weight and energy levels. Simple, healthy recipes are also included to inspire better quality of meals.